Yvonne Kröger, Pflegeexpertin APN, Pflegedirektion und Mitarbeiterin Qualitätsmanagement

Kröger, M.Sc.

Leiterin Qualitätsmanagement, a.i.
Akademischer Werdegang

2019: Master of Science (MSc) in Nursing (Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences Switzerland)
2010: Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Nursing (ZHAW School of Health Sciences Switzerland)

Klinischer Werdegang

2021: Clinical Nurse Specialist Children's Heart Centre, University Children’s Hospital Zurich (Switzerland)
2019: Quality manager patient safety, University Children’s Hospital Zurich (Switzerland)
2014: Nursing expert paediatric cardiac intensive care unit, University Children’s Hospital Zurich (Switzerland)
2006: Nurse paediatric intensive care unit, University Children’s Hospital Zurich (Switzerland)
2000: Nurse paediatric Surgical intensive care unit, Children's Hospital Amsterdamer Strasse Cologne (Germany)
1996: Medical Assistant in Paediatrician's practice Lindlar (Germany)


2022: Certificate of Advanced Studies in Human Factors (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland)
2006: Certificate of competence in paediatric intensive care (University Children’s Hospital Zurich)
2000: Professional qualification as a paediatric nurse (Children's Hospital Amsterdamer Strasse Cologne, Germany)
1996: Professional qualification as a medical assistant (Ärztekammer Nordrhein, Germany)

Preise und Ehrungen
  • 2021: 1st place of the Free Communication Award – Nurses, Swiss society for intensive care medicine (SGI)
  • 2014: Posterprice for best Poster in Nursing, Swiss society for intensive care medicine (SGI)
Tätigkeiten in Expertengremien
  • External teaching in the use of analgesia and sedatives in the paediatric intensive care unit at the Berner Bildungszentrum NDS HF paediatric intensive care
  • Vice-president IG PE-IP practice development intensive care of the swiss society for intensive care medicine (SGI) 
  • AFG Academic professional society for cardiovascular care
  • President Interest Group for congenital heart defects care (IG PAHF)
  • Herznetz.ch (Umbrella Association for Congenital Heart Defects Switzerland)
  • Vice President Interest Group for practice development intensive care; Swiss society intensive care medicine (IG PE-IP; SGI)
  • Swiss Association for Nursing Science (VfP)
  • Association for european paediatric and congenital cardiology (AEPC)
  • Working group for cardiovascular care and therapies (AG-KAPT)
  • European society of paediatric and neonatal intensive care (ESPNIC)
  • ECMO: Experiences of parents of critically ill children undergoing ECMO therapy, with the aim to improve understanding of their needs and to identify interventions for healthcare professionals.
  • SPARKLe: TranSitional Integrated Care Model for Children with ComPlex CARe Needs at the KinderspitaL