Dr. sc. nat.
Since 2009: Co-head of the Connective Tissue Unit for research and specialized diagnostic, Division of Metabolism and Children’s Research Center, University Children’s Hospital, Zurich.
1995-2008: Postdoctoral Fellowship and Senior Scientist (Swiss National Research Foundation until 30.09.2008) at the Division of Metabolism and Molecular Pediatrics, University Children’s Hospital, Zurich. From 2002, part-time appointment due to familial reasons (Switzerland).
1994: Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Murdoch Institute, Melbourne Royal Children’s Hospital with Prof. Richard Cotton and Prof. Deon Venter (Australia).
1993: PhD in Genetics, Department of Evolutionary Biology, University of Ferrara (Italy).
1990: Master degree in Biological Sciences and professional license as biologist, University of Ferrara (Italy).
- 2009: Swiss Bone & Mineral Society Award in Clinical Science for first authorship in 'American Journal of Human Genetics 82: 1290-1305, 2008.
- 2005: Best Research Award of the Saudi Ophthalmological Society for the paper published in ‘Am J Med Genetics 124A:28-34, 2004’.
- 1993-1994: Research Fellowship of the Italian Association for Cancer Research (AIRC)
- 1990-1993: Research Fellowship of the Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Research
- The Ehlers-Danlos Society, Scientific Board member (www.ehlers-danlos.com)
- 2019: Vontobel Charitable Foundation «Förderung der translationalen Forschung in Osteogenesis imperfecta: Zugang zu personalisierten Behandlungen» (co-applicant)
- 2019: FZK-Projektförderung «Facilitating translational research in Osteogenesis Imperfecta: gateway to personalized treatments» (co-applicant)
- 2017-2022: SNF Project 31003A_173183 «Molecular Basis and Pathology of Connective Tissue Disorders» (main applicant)
- 2017: Olga Mayenfisch Stiftung «Neue Erkenntnisse zur Ätiologie der Glasknochenkrankheit eröffnen neune therapeutische Ansätze» (co-applicant)
- 2016: Bank Vontobel Charitable Foundation «Neue Wege in der Diagnose von Bindegewebserkrankungen im Kindesalter» (co-applicant)
- 2016: Vontobel Foundation «Neue Wege in der Diagnose von Bindegewebserkrankungen im Kindesalter» (co-applicant)
- 2016: Armin & Jannine Kurz Foundation «Improving the diagnosis for children with connective tissue disorders» (co-applicant)
- 2012-2016: SNF Project 310030_138288 «Molecular Basis and Pathology of Connective Tissue Disorders» (main applicant)
- 2011: Novartis Foundation for Medical Research «Molecular basis and pathology of the Spondylocheiro-dysplastic form of EDS (SCD-EDS)» (main applicant)
- 2010-2011: University Children’s Hospital (UBS Donation) «The Brittle Cornea Syndrome: Positional Cloning, Molecular Characterization and Elucidation of the Pathogenesis» (main applicant)
- 2010: The Gottfried and Julia Bangerter-Ryhner-Foundation «Molecular Basis and Pathology of Connective Tissue Disorders» (main applicant)