Ein Portrait von Astrid Aelyn Sanchez Bergman

Sanchez Bergman

Forschungsgebiet: Translational Pediatric Brain Tumor Research
Akademischer Werdegang

Astrid did her B.Sc. in Biomedical Laboratory Science at Karolinska Institute and M.Sc. in Biomedicine at Umeå University, Sweden. During her M.Sc. studies, she did two international internships: one in Cancer Biology and Drug Development at the University of Hawaii Cancer Center, USA, and her final thesis in Medical Microbiology at the University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia. After graduating, she worked as a Biomedical Analyst at the Department of Clinical Genetics at Karolinska Hospital, where she performed clinical diagnostics, analyzing genetic mutations in different cancer types. The main focus of her PhD project is to study the protein activation pathways in tumors with gene fusions involving receptor tyrosine kinases.