Prof. Dr.
Seit 2016: Senior Research Assistant / Physician, Center for MR-Research, University Children’s Hospital, Zürich, Switzerland
2013-2015: Postdoctoral Researcher (Marie-Skłodowska Curie Fellowship) Computational Imaging Research Lab (CIR), Medical University of Vienna, Austria
2013: Visiting Postdoctoral Researcher Computer Vision Laboratory, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
2013: Assistant Lecturer, Department of Biomedical Laboratory and Imaging Science, University of Debrecen, Hungary
2011: Doctoral Researcher, Computer Vision Laboratory, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
2009-2012: Doctoral Researcher, Department of Biomedical Laboratory and Imaging Science, University of Debrecen, Hungary
2020-2024: Medical Research Position, Prof. Max Cloetta Foundation
2013-2015: Marie Sklodowska-Curie Intra-European Fellowship (post.doc.)
2011: NMS-CH SciEx Scientific Exchange Fellowship (doc.cand.), Rectors' Conference of the Swiss Universities (CRUS)
2010: Salzburg Weill Cornell Seminar in Diagnostic Imaging, Funded by the Open Medical Institute / Austrian American Foundation AAF
2018: Andres-Giedion-Preis, Swiss Society for Pediatric Radiology (1.000 CHF prize)
2018: Best Oral Presentation, 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology
2017: Best Paper Award, Focused Ultrasound Therapy 4th European Symposium, Travel award from Profound Medical (1.000 €)
2016: Pioneers and Past Presidents of European Neuroradiology Award, European Society of Neuroradiology (4.000 € prize)
2016: Researcher of the Month, July, Medical University of Vienna
2016: Abstract Merit Award, Organization for Human Brain Mapping (2.000 $ prize)
2015: Best Scientific Paper presentation «Paediatrics», European Congress of Radiology
2014: Best Scientific Paper presentation «Neuro», European Congress of Radiology
2014: Trainee Abstract Travel Award, Organization for Human Brain Mapping
2013: Publication Award of the Hungarian Association of Nuclear Medicine (MONT)
2011: Certificate of Merit for Poster Publication, ESMRMB - European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology
2011: Travel Award, European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology
2009: Pro Facultate Iuventutis Award, University of Debrecen
2020:Evaluator of PhD thesis, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
2020: Grant reviewer, US-Israel Binational Science Foundation
2020: Grant reviewer, French National Research Agency (ANR), Panel CE45 - Mathématiques et sciences du numérique pour la biologie et la santé
2018-2021: Abstract reviewer: International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention MICCAI 2020 and 2021, Organization for Human Brain Mapping Conference (2018)
2018: Associate Editor, BMC Neurology, Springer-Nature
2010: Reviewer for: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Neuroimage, Nature Human Behavior, Cerebral Cortex, Neuroimage: Clinical, Neuroradiology, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, Biological Psychiatry, Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Plos One, European Journal of Neurology, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine
Als principal Investigator:
2021-2024: «Prediction of upstream neuronal damage in infants with spina bifida using fetal MRI», Vontobel Stiftung
2021-2022: «Application of a machine-learning based data fitting method to fetal-placental perfusion MRI», EMDO Stiftung
2021: «Development of a microstructurally informed connectivity mapping approach using 3D microscopy and ultra-high-field MRI», Novartis Foundation for Medical-Biological Research
2020-2024: «From axons to therapy: characterizing the connectivity of the human thalamus with 3D multi-scale imaging», Prof. Max Cloetta Foundation Medical Research Position
2020-2021: «TransCon-FLSM-MRI: Visualizing the TRANSient neural CONnectivity by Fluorescent Light-Sheet Microscopy and ultra-high-field Magnetic Resonance Imaging», Swiss National Science Foundation, SPARK Grant
2017-2021: «Improving the imaging based diagnostic markers and postsurgical follow-up in fetuses and infants with spina bifida» and «How does the brain change its structure and connections in congenital diseases before birth?», Anna Müller Grocholski Foundation, OPO-Foundation, FZK and ZNZ PhD Grant
2017-2020: «NeuroShape: a neurosurgical planning software using statistical shape model of the thalamus», Hasler Foundation (Principal investigator) and IPEM Innovation Grant (Co-PI)
2017-2019: «Improving fetal and neonatal diagnostic imaging: a feasibility study using diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging phantoms», Stiftung für Wissenschaftliche Forschung an der UZH, Principal Investigator, Co-PI: Ruth Tuura
2013-2015: FP7 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Intra-European Fellowship, European Commission, Awarded Researcher
2011: Scientific Exchange Programme SciEx, Rectors' Conference of the Swiss Universities (CRUS), Awarded Researcher
Als co-principal Investigator oder Mitglied eines Konsortiums:
2021-2024: «Structural basis of mild developmental delay in the developing human brain connectome», funded by the University of Zurich URPP «Adaptive Brain Circuits during Development and Learning» project, 2021-2024, Co-PI
2021-2024: «Revealing the cortical distribution of human Cajal-Retzius cells in a joint MRI + mesoSPIM reference space», funded by the University of Zurich URPP «Adaptive Brain Circuits during Development and Learning» project, 2021-2024, Co-PI
2020-2021: «Accurate Multi-Class Medical Image Segmentation with Noisy Labels», Hasler Foundation, Co-Investigator
2017-2020: «How does open fetal surgery affect brain development and neural connectivity? An in utero magnetic resonance imaging study in spina bifida», EMDO Foundation, Co-Investigator / Main researcher
2018-2020: «Fetal cerebral MRI in patients with single ventricle congenital heart disease – pilot project», Anna Müller Grocholski-Stiftung, Co-Investigator