Ein Portrait vom Wissenschaftler Rob Labruyére

PD Dr.

Group leader
Akademischer Werdegang

2021: Privatdozent, Venia legend, Pediatric neurorehabilitation, University of Zurich
2006-2007: MSc in human movement science, Major in sports physiology, ETH Zurich
2002-2006: BSc in human movement science, ETH Zurich
2000-2002: Studies of biology, University intermediate examination, University of Zurich

Preise und Ehrungen
  • 2019: The Eberhard Ketz-Prize for the project Can Lokomat therapy with children and adolescents be improved?
  • 2018: The Anna Mueller Grocholski Prize for the research project The modified Agility Run Test, Psychometric properties in children with neuromotor disorders, authored by Mauro Vivian and Rob Labruyère.
  • 2016: The Anna Mueller Grocholski Prize for the research project Monitoring physical activity during pediatric rehabilitative therapies, authored by Maria Ambühl, Hubertus van Hedel and Rob Labruyère.
  • 2014: The Anna Mueller Grocholski Prize for the research project Brain activation in children in a rehabilitation robot: a comparison of passive, assisted and active finger movements.
  • The Science Award of the Rheinfelden Rehabilitation Clinic for the paper Requirements for and impact of a serious game for neuro-pediatric robot-assisted gait training.
  • 2012: The Fürst Donnersmarck Stiftung commended Rob Labruyère’s PhD Thesis New outcome measures for subjects with incomplete spinal cord injury: response time and adaptive walking for exceptional scientific achievements in the field of rehabilitation.
Tätigkeiten in Expertengremien
  • Associate Editor for the Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation

  • European Academy of Childhood Disability
  • Swiss Academy of Childhood Disability
  • Pediatric neurorehabilitation
  • Assessment of function in everyday life with sensors
  • Optimiziation of robotic gait orthoses
Eingeworbene Drittmittel
  • 2020: The ACCENTUS Foundation supported the project Optimization of the clinical application of the robotic gait orthosis Lokomat (applicant: Rob Labruyère)
  • 2020: The Anna Mueller Grocholski Foundation supported the project Everyday life activity detection with wearable sensors in children and adolescents with brain lesions (applicant: Dr. Rob Labruyère)
  • 2020: The Stiftung Cerebral supported the project Optimization of the clinical application of the robotic gait orthosis Lokomat (applicant: Rob Labruyère)
  • 2020: The J&K Wonderland Foundation supported the project Lower Limb personalized Therapy (applicants: Tabea Aurich, Rob Labruyère)
  • 2019: The Anna Mueller Grocholski Foundation supported the project Everyday life activity detection with wearable sensors in children and adolescents with brain lesions (applicant: Dr. Rob Labruyère)
  • 2017: The ACCENTUS Foundation supported the project Inertial measurement units to improve the physical activity of children (applicants: Dr. Rob Labruyère & Prof. Roger Gassert)
  • 2014: The Children's Research Center supported the project Monitoring everyday life motor activity in children (applicant: Dr. Rob Labruyère)